Pragmatic Optimism

Observations from building software and companies, plus the occasional random life experiences.

A year of new restaurants

Seattle is a city full of terrific restaurants with amazing food. And after living there for four years, I'm pretty happy that I probably ate at ~80% of them. But that means that there's still probably over a dozen places that are really tasty which I didn't try out. Even in my last few weeks living there, I was finding little gems, in the form of lunch trucks around the city or small places in Pike's Place. Given that SF has at least an order of magnitude more restaurants, and the average quality is higher due to the inherent competition, a new strategy was needed.

A week of stripes

This week was my first week at Stripe, and so far it's been a thrilling experience, even though my mind is still coping with the overload of information it's been subjected to. The people have been extremely friendly and welcoming. The office is both great and in a great location. The food is tasty and the beer selection is spectacular.

Resume (as in continue)

Back in high school and college I used to write. Sometimes quite a lot. Sometimes only for myself and sometimes I would publish them publicly. The things I wrote were varied: thoughts, ideas, speeches, articles, reviews, technology etc.